Faculty facts of Dr. Tridib Bhunia
Teacher’s Profile
1. Name:-Dr. Tridib Bhunia
2. Highest Degree:-M.Sc, Ph.D.
3. Designation:- Assistant Professor
4. Experience:--
1. UG:-9 yrs+
2. PG:- Nil
ii. Teaching Interest:-Organic and applied chemistry
iii. Research Interest:- Polymer hydrogel, Nanogel
iv. No of Publications:- 13
Local- Nil, National- Nil, International-13
8. Top 5 Publications:-
I) Bhunia T and S De, International research Journal of Natural and Applied Science. 4, 68-77, 2017. Impact Factor- 5.46
II) Bhunia T, International Journal of Nanoscience and nanotechnology. 14, 187-195, 2018
III) Bhunia T, Giri A, Nasim T, Chattopadhyay D and Bandyopadhyay A, Carbohydrate Polymers. 95, 252-261, (2013). Impact Factor – 4.22
IV) Bhunia T, Goswami L, Chattopadhyay D and Bandyopadhyay A, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 269, 1822-1828, (2011). Impact Factot – 1.39
V) Bhunia T, Chattopadhyay D and Bandyopadhyay A, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. 59, 260-268, (2011). Impact Factor – 1.66
9. Rewards & Achievements:- Nil
9. E-mail id (optional):-btiochem@gmail.com